Parent Resources
Our Parent Coordinator Mrs. Collie-Cyrus, is your first step in your search for information about PS 282; the New York City school system in general; or for issues or concerns which need to be addressed on the school level. She is available Monday thru Friday 7:30 – 3:00 or at scollie2@schools.nyc.gov
for Enrolled Families
282 APP
This app is specially designed for PS 282 Park Slope families and staff. It will allow you to access the most important information regarding the school. Available on Android and iPhones. Point your camera here!
Attendance is the number one predictor of academic success. Just like our staff, children are expected to be at school every day on time. Absences are only appropriate in extreme cases of illness. 10 or more absences may prevent a child from being promoted to the next grade level. At PS 282, our school day is designed to ensure that your child is fully engaged in purposeful learning that is designed to promote critical thinking, prompt on-going discussion and provide multiple opportunities for our children to show us what they know by applying their newly learned skills to larger concepts and applications. Our objective is to prepare our children to feel confident enough to solve problems and address challenges that they’ve never seen before.
You play an important role in your child's academic success. Our goal is to give you the information you need to be an informed and active partner in your child's education. We invite you to set up your NYC Schools Account. This is a web-based application, which provides a new way for you to view your child's academic and biographic information, in one of ten languages on a computer, phone or tablet. In the account, you can see a child’s:
• Attendance
• Grades (including Report Cards, past and current)
• Assessments (test scores)
• Health information (Fitnessgram)
• Schedule
• Enrollment history
Parents and Legal Guardians are welcome to contact Parent Coordinator, Mrs. Sureeta Collie-Cyrus, via email scollie2@schools.nyc.gov , if you have any concerns or questions regarding registering for NYC Schools Account.
Busing We do not determine ridership eligibility for students. Eligibility is done through the Office of Pupil Transportation (OPT). If your child qualifies to ride the school bus, you will be notified by OPT. Any questions regarding riding the yellow school bus should be addressed to OPT at (718) 392-8855. You can speak to Mrs. Padmore-Brissett.
Students in K-2 are eligible for a MetroCard if they live more than a mile from school.
For additional information, please go to http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/catchup.html
If your child requires ongoing medication to be administered during the day, please visit: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-life/health-and-wellness/health-services
Formerly known as the Lunch Form, income verification forms can now be completed online. The Lunch Form is also available in Spanish and other languages.