Principal's Welcome
Principal's Welcome
Principal Amy Rodriguez
Amy Rodriguez, M. Ed. is a New York City Department of Education public school principal with 17 years of experience in the classroom, designing curriculum, and supporting teachers and students around her home district. Over the years, Amy has dedicated herself to studying and bringing innovative learning experiences into classrooms, including International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme, Renzulli's Schoolwide Enrichment Model, Project Based Learning, and Cultural Competency.
When not exploring "hands-on" classroom opportunities for students, she cherishes time at home with family.

Dearest Families,
Warmest wishes and welcome to the 23-24 school year. We are excited to embark on this year's adventures in education!
As we move towards International Baccalaureate Authorization in spring of 2024, staff are diligently planning inquiry-centered units of study.
Every student in grades K-5 will experience a robust selection of cluster classes this year, including art, music, dance, Spanish, and physical education, in addition to K-2 phonics and 3-5 science.
Our continuing focus on education of the whole child will include support from two guidance counselors, the return of one of my favorite colleagues - Parker, our Comfort Dog, as well as aligned routines across classrooms to ensure all students begin each day with a Strong Start. Students in grades 2-5 will again engage in self-selected clubs which will include a variety of activities.
We look forward to working closely with families, as well, through a variety of opportunities to visit classrooms to read aloud your favorite books, provide mini-workshops, lead clubs supported by PS 282 staff, and attend a variety of workshops specifically tailored to families' unique interests and/or needs.
Our purpose remains steadfast in continually improving students' experiences and centering joy around learning. As always, I am grateful and humbled to be your Principal and partner in creating transformative learning experiences for all students.
Amy Rodriguez, Principal

Parent Coordinator
Katerina Sidbury
Assistant Principal
Charlia Moulton-Campbell
Assistant Principal